Microsoft Works MSWorksDBDoc Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial MS Serif Types Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial MS Serif Category Distributor Number Speed Start Personal Rating Industry Rating Cast1 Cast2 Cast3 Cast4 Comments Program Length Arial Arial am Length: Category: Type: Distributed by: Recording speed: Tape number: Counter start: Counter stop: Personal rating: Main cast: VIDEO TAPE LIBRARY Title: TAPE INFORMATION PROGRAM OR MOVIE Industry rating: COMMENTS Program length: VIDEO LIBRARY ORGANIZED BY TYPE This report is part of the Video Library AutoStart template. It lists all video tapes in the library, grouped by type. Number: Category: Personal rating: Industry rating: Counter start: Main Cast: Program length: Library List VIDEO LIBRARY ALPHABETIC LIST This report is part of the Video Library AutoStart template. It lists all video tapes in the library, sorted by program name. Type: Category: Personal rating: Industry rating: Counter start: Main Cast: Program length: Categories VIDEO LIBRARY ORGANIZED BY CATEGORY This report is part of the Video Library AutoStart template. It lists all video tapes in the library, grouped by their category. Number: Type: Personal rating: Industry rating: Counter start: Main Cast: Program length: Tape Numbers VIDEO LIBRARY TAPE NUMBERS This report is part of the Video Library AutoStart template. It lists all video tapes in the library, sorted by tape number. Type: Category: Personal rating: Industry rating: Counter start: Main Cast: Program length: Personal Rating VIDEO LIBRARY PERSONAL RATINGS This report is part of the Video Library AutoStart template. It lists all video tapes in the library, grouped by personal ratings. Category: Type: Industry rating: Program length: Counter start: Main Cast: Industry Rating VIDEO LIBRARY INDUSTRY RATINGS This report is part of the Video Library AutoStart template. It lists all video tapes in the library, grouped by their industry ratings. Category: Type: Personal rating: Industry rating: Counter start: Main Cast: Program length: